Help With Persistent Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of those short-term illnesses that are not only inconvenient but also very limiting those affected. It can have many causes. In addition to infections in more sensitive people play, not least, psychological factors play a role. If the diarrhea over a period of 3 days take strong and it is the sick person feels extremely weak, it's time for a doctor visit. In fact, one should ache in the abdomen with strong, high fever and frequent vomiting and blood in the stool if you represent is a physician visit mandatory.

The causes of diarrhea
There are two types by diarrhea, chronic and acute diarrhea that can be. It occurs on a very out of the blue, the cause is often a bacterial or viral infection. This includes for example the travel diarrhea. When diarrhea is from the gut due to increased inflammation of water, salts, mucus, and possibly even blood. In this type of diarrhea, the Eindemmen can also achieve with hunger. Chronic diarrhea can have all sorts of causes. Often puts a serious illness behind. The most common causes of acute diarrhea can be a food poisoning but also an infection of the intestine or poisoning due to contaminants, but also stress, as well as too much caffeine, or by taking incompatible drugs. A vascular occlusion of the intestine may contribute to acute diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea, for example, using a pancreatic inflammation, cancer or other serious metabolic disorders can be triggered. From time to time is also a food intolerance the cause.

Tips for treatment of diarrhea
If the diarrhea is just easy, it is often sufficient when one fasts, and also takes stomach-calming tea. Mostly sound from the symptoms after three days and you feel fit again. Too lengthy diarrhea, however, must always be treated with medication and a doctor be consulted, because the body must be fed by the large loss of new mineral electrolytes. Are serious internal diseases, the cause, it is important to consider treatment in considered. There are also many home remedies diarrhea that can help you.


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