Cancer Treatment

Response to Treatment

At time of treatment, patients assessed the situation to see the response to treatment of cancer.

The most successful treatment led to healing. Healing is defined as complete remission, in which all the evidence no longer fond cancer. The experts sometimes define recovery as the life expectancy of 5-10 years free of disease, where cancer does not disappear as a whole and no recurrence within a specified period, 5-10 years.

At the response incomplete, the size of 1 or more tumors reduce by more than half. These responses can reduce symptoms and prolong life expectancy, although eventually tha cancer will grow back.

Treatment failure does not cause a response.

Sometimes the cancer is disappearing as a whole, but then back again. the interval between these two states are called disease-free survival time. lapse of time of complete response until the patient dies is called the total life expectancy.

In patient who have incomplete response, duration of response was measured from the time of incomplete response occurs until the cancer grows or spreads again.

Some cancer respond well to chemotherapy. Other cancers showed improvement but did not achieve healing. Some cancer (melanoma, sec kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, brain cancer) gave a poor response and resistance to chemotherapy. Other cancers (breast cancer, small cell lung, leukemia) can show remarkable initial response to chemotherapy, but after repeated treatments can be immune ti the drugs given.

Genes resistance to a combination of drugs was found in normal cells and cancer cells, so exposureto one drug can lead to tumor resistance to cancer drugs that are not related. It seems that the gene is meant to protect cells against damage by harmful substances. As a result, to maintain the cell itself will remove the drug, so treatment is not effective. Researchers are trying to determine how to suppress the activity of the gene.

Limfoblastic acute leukemia and acute leukemia mielogenous is a type of cancer can be cured.

Hodgkin's disease and some non-Hodgki's lymphoma (large cell lymphoma that has spread, Burkitt's lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoblastic) in approximately 80% of people with chikdren and adults can be cured. 

Chemotherapy to cure more than 90% of men with testicular cancer that had spread and about 98% of women with choriocarnoma (cancer of the uterus).


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