Factor of Hair Loss

The loss of hair of every person whether men or women, is being in a certain frame naturally and does not always pathological. Everyone loses 40-100 hairs per day, while it depends on the total number of hairs.

This is called the natural hair loss and even desirable, since this is the renewal of our hair. However, there are a number of causes that are more unnatural and pathological. If it is determined that it reached even greater proportions over time, you can already assume that you should do something about it.

The most common cause is hormonal hair loss. Of this phenomenon for about 30 percent of women and about 60 percent of men are affected. The onset of hair loss you can now fix even a percentage. And while it is in women about 10 percent in men and approximately 30 percent between 20 and 30 years.

Can What know not most humans, also false nutrition or also diets lead to hair losses at the whole body. This type of medicine known as diffuse hair loss, can also affect men and women equally. After not quite the latest findings also anger and stress is a cause which, according to medical studies is enormous even on the rise. Of these, especially younger people are affected more and more. For this cause psychological report concerned that they have lost every day to about 500 hairs.


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