Fungal Infections - Annoying and Irritating

Fungal diseases, medical terminology, this disease called candidiasis, and vaginal mycosis are widespread and in most cases (80-90%) the disease is caused by colonization with yeast, Candida albicans. In general, there are women who have developed and typical of a vaginal yeast infection are itching and burning in the genital area as well as increased, whitish discharge from the vagina. Benefiting from the warm moist environment, in the female genital tract, it may happen that the disease is progressing immensely for less time, so it is most convenient for the course when you start as soon as possible with the treatment.

For the treatment of fungal disease is usually used by the gynecologist, a mixture of vaginal suppositories and ointment (antifungal) for the outer region. With a simple infection can be assumed that the infection is cured after a treatment time of between 3 to 5 days, but may occur in more complicated cases to recurrent infections. Although usually affects women, can infect men as well, and thus it is quite conceivable that in turn infect new partners.

It may be advantageous to seek treatment, the treatment by a physician, who determined the case of persistent infections, the pathogen and possibly expand the therapy. The fungal pathogens should be kept primarily in warm, moist environment, so I use the sauna or the swimming pool is always to sit on and the various drying towels. It is unlikely that a vaginal mycosis is caused by inadequate hygiene, conducive to a vaginal yeast but are based on various conditions such as diabetes mellitus, HIV, blood disorders (eg, leukemia), a weakening of the immune system by infection or swallowing antibiotics.


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