The Dentistry

One can say that has taken place within the past one hundred years, the Dental treatments an insane development. What is currently a matter of course, was the 19th Century, a new achievement.

The dental tools developed through more. Especially in the 18th Century, there were specialized instruments maker, the Werzeuge, enforcement of that same little works of art represented. Materials such as ivory, mother of pearl, horn, wood, Ferrum (iron) and steel, as well as gold and silver were processed here. Thus Purposeful was connected to the same time beautiful.

Middle of the nineteenth century called for the disinfection of tools and materials so that bacteria and Keimevon will start killing before an infection occurs. Because of the new findings were the above-mentioned materials, and prohibits the decorative design of Dental Instruments.

However, there are even today in modern dental pliers & levers that have been used 300 years ago. Unfortunately, patients had to suffer much more before because it was the anesthetic in dentistry until about the end of the nineteenth century.

By the end of the nineteenth century it was mostly going only one way to become a toothache. That tooth had to get out. Of prevention and tooth preservation of conservation could only benefit future generations.

The real job of a dentist has remained to this day. People want to be free from toothache.

But now to the natural teeth are retained as long as possible. This help, fillings and crowns, as well as a root canal, which is the last possible measure for tooth retention. To this end, pulled the tooth nerve. Thus, no binding is more to the pension system and the tooth looks increasingly gray.

Once there, however, is no more hope for the tooth, it will be replaced by implants. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, and allow a tight fit for bridges, crowns and prostheses to improve the quality of life felt.


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