Anemia Caused by Iron Deficiency

Anemia caused by iron deficiency is a condition where red blood cells or hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in blood cells is below normal, which is caused by iron deficiency.

Some nutrients are needed in the formation of red blood cells. The most important are iron, vitamin B-12 and folic acid, but the body also needs small amounts of vitamin C, riboflavin and copper as well as hormonal balance, especially erythropoitin (a hormone that stimulates red blood cell formation).

Without these nutrients and hormones, red blood cell formation will be slow and inadequate, and the cell can have different shapes and unable to carry oxygen properly. Chronic diseases also can cause a reduction in red blood cell formation.

Normal intake of iron ussually can not replace iron loss due to chronic bleeding and body only has a small amount of iron reserves. Developing fetus using iron, because that pregnant women also need extra iron.

Meals average about 6mg cotain iron 1,000 calories, so the average person consumes about 10-12 mg iron / day. The best sources are meat.

Vegetable fiber, phosphate, bran and antacids reduce absorption of iron by way tie. Vitamin C is the only element of food that can enhance iron absorption. The body absorbs about 1-2 mg iron from food each day, which is roughly equivalent Degnan amount of iron removed from the body every day.

The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia

Anemia caused by iron deficiency usually occurs gradually, through several stages.
New symptoms arise at an advanced stage.
  • Stage 1
Loss of iron exceeds the intake, so spend the reserves in the body, especially in the bone marrow. Level of ferritin (a protein that holds iron) in the blood decreases progressively.
  • Stage 2
Reserves have been reduced iron can not meet the requirements for the formation of red blood cell, so the red blood cells produced fewer.
  • Stage 3
Start anemia. At this early stage, red blood cells appear normal, but fewer in number. Hemoglobin and hematocrit level decreased.
  • Stage 4
Trying to replace bone marrow iron deficiency by accelerating cell division and produce red blood cells with a very small size (microcytic), which is specific for iron deficiency anemia.
  • Stage 5
With the worsening of iron deficiency and anemia, it will arise the symptoms of iron deficiency and anemia symptoms as getting worse.


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