Treatment for cervical cancer

Selection of treatment for cervical cancer depends on the location and tumor size, disease stage, age, general state of the patient and the patient plans to become pregnant again.

1. Surgery

In carcinoma in situ (cancer confined to the outermost layer of the cervix), the cancer often can be removed with the aid of a scalpel or by LEEP.
With such treatment, patients can still have a child.
Because cancer can recur, it is recommended to undergo re-examination and Pap smear every 3 months during the 1st year and thereafter every 6 months.
If the patient does not have a plan to get pregnant again, it is recommended to undergo hysterectomy.

In invasive cancer, a hysterectomy and removal of surrounding structures (the procedure is called a radical hysterectomy), and lymph nodes.
In young women, the ovaries (ovaries) are functioning normally and still not lifted.

2. Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is effective for treating invasive cancers are still confined to the pelvic area.
In radiotherapy used high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop its growth.

There are two kinds of radiotherapy:
 - External radiation: the light coming from a large machine.
Patients do not need to be hospitalized, irradiation is usually done as much as 5 days / week for 5-6 weeks.

 - Internal radiation: the radioactive substance contained in a capsule is inserted directly into the cervix.
This capsule is left for 1-3 days and during that patients treated in hospital. This treatment can be repeated several times for 1-2 weeks.

 Side effects from radiation therapy are:
    - Irritation of the rectum and vagina
    - Damage to the bladder and rectum
    - Ovaries stop functioning.

3. Chemotherapy

If the cancer has spread beyond the pelvis, is sometimes recommended to undergo chemotherapy. In the chemotherapy drugs used to kill cancer cells. Anti-cancer drugs can be administered via intravenous injection or by mouth.

Chemotherapy is given in a cycle, it means a period of treatment interspersed with periods of recovery, and treatment, interspersed with recovery premises, and so on.

4.Terapi biological

In biologic therapy used substances to improve the immune system to fight disease. Conducted on biological therapy of cancer that has spread to other body parts. The most commonly used is interferon, which can be combined with chemotherapy.


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