Avoiding the development of cancer

The best thing about cancer is that it can be avoided. Changes in diet, lifestyle, and almost everything that surrounds cholesterol, nicotine and alcohol is the key to being cancer free. But it would be impossible did not like food with no cholesterol and have not had a glass of beer. Therefore, to avoid cancer, you can always try these lifestyle changes.

Filter the water you are drinking. Research has shown that the water we drink the right of the sink can cause cancer. Several carcinogens present in drinking water than you think it is safe.

Marinate the meat long before grilling. The burn of the flesh is one of the most carcinogenic. For marinating the meat with herbs such as thyme can provide your meat with enough antioxidants that can fight cancer inducing chemicals.

Coffee has been known to prevent cancer developing brain at less than 40 percent. Thus, for 4-5 cups of coffee or any type of coffee daily to help prevent the growth of tumors in the brain. Coffee and caffeine are also known to prevent cancers of the throat and mouth.

Water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer by drinking 8 glasses of water a day. That dilute the harsh chemicals found in urine. It also helps the kidney function of filtering toxins and other harmful chemicals from the blood.

Magnesium is essential for the formation of cells is an integral part of cancer. Without magnesium, the cells are out of control that leads to cancer. They have a good dose of magnesium by fixing a salad full of greens.

While heading outdoors, choosing the right colors to wear. Blue and red have better protection against UV rays than white and yellow, so I prefer to use them. Prepare big hats and sunglasses to protect your body against the heat of the sun can cause melanoma.

Taking calcium supplements to help prevent colon cancer. This can also help in the prevention of bone cancer. Calcium helps keep bones strong and your immune system.


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