Caused Deficiency Anemia Folic Acid

Anemia caused by folic acid deficiency is megaloblastic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. 

Folic acid is a vitamin found in raw vegetables, fresh fruit and meat, but the cooking process usually can destroy this vitamin. Because the body only stores of folic acid in small amount, then a few foods that contain folic acid, will cause deficiency of folic acid in a few months.

Folic Acid deficiency occurs in :
  • Folic acid deficiency is more common in the West compared  with vitamin B-12 deficiency, because there are not enough people who eat raw leafy vegetables.
  • Patients with small bowel disease, particularly Crohn's disease and sprue, because folic acid absorption interference.
  • Certain anti-seizure medication and birth control pills, because it reduces th absorption of folic acid.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women, and people with kidney disease who undergo hemodialysis, because of the need to increase folic acid.
  • Alcohol drinkers, because alcohol affects the absorption and metabolism of folic acid.

In smear examination under a microscope will be found megaloblas (large red blood cells).

If found megaloblas (large red blood cells) in a patient with anemia, measurement of folic acid levels in the blood.

Increase the intake of food containing folic acid.

To prevent deficiency of folic acid in pregnancy, so pregnant women are advised to consume folic acid tablets.


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