Radiation Therapy and Side Effects

Radiation is powerful form of energy generated by radioactive materials, such as cobalt, or by special equipment, such as a atomic particle accelerator (linear).

Radiation primarily kill cells that divide rapidly and cells difficult to repair their DNA (nuclear material). Cancer cells divide more frequently than normal cells and often unable to repair the damage caused by radiation. Therefore, cancer cells are more likely to be killed by radiation than normal cells. Even so, cancer cells vary in how easy it is to be killed by radiation, some cells are very resistant and can not be effectively treated with radiation.

Types Radiation Therapy

In its common, external beam radiation therapy using gamma radiation generated by a linear accelerator. Rarely, radation of light electrons and protons are used. Proton radiation light, which can be focused on specific areas, very effectively treat certain cancers in degraded areas in normal tissue are important, such as eyes, brain, or spinal cord. All types of external beam radiation is focused on specific areas or organs that contain cancer. To avoid normal tissues got too much light, a few streaks of light used and the surrounding tissue is protected as much as possible. New technologies in the radiation of light outside, called modules intensity radiation therapy (IMRT).

External beam radiation therapy is given as a series of balanced dose distribution over the long term. This method increases the lethal effects of radiation on cancer cells while reducing the toxic effects because normal cells. Reduced the toxic effects because normal cells can repair themselves quickly between the doses in which cancer cells can not. In particular, one who received radiation doses every day a period of 6 to 8 weeks. To ensure that, in the same area is treated each time, the person is properly positioned using foam pads or other tools.

In another way the radiation therapy, radioactive material is injected into the vessels likely to flow to the cancer (radiactive iodine, used in the treatment of thyroid cancer). Another way to use small pellets (seeds) of radioactive material placed directly into the cancer (radioactive palladiom is used for prostate cancer). Planting radiation in severe radiation on cancer, but  little radiation to surrounding tissue. Planting cotain short-live radioactive materials that produce radiation stops after a certain period.

recently Radioactive material has been mixed with a protein called a monoclonal antibody, which is looking for cancer cells and join them. The radioactive meterial into the core antibody in cancer cells and destroy them.

Radiation therapy plays an important role in curing many cancers, including Hodgkin's lymphoma. Hodgkin's lymphoma non early stage, squamous cell cancer of the head and neck, seminoma (testiculer cancer), prostate cancer, early stage breast cancer, some forms of lung cancer cells non-small air pipe (larynx) and prostate, cure rates are important as is the case with radiation therapy with surgery. Sometimes, radiation therapy combined with other treatment forms. Certain types of chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin increases the effectiveness of radiation therapy, and these drugs may be given with radiation treatment.

Radiation therapy can reduce symptoms when not possibly recover, similar to bone metastases in multiple myeloma and tumors that are painful in people with advanced lung, esophagus, head and neck, and stomach cancer. Wiyh the sink temporarily tumor, radiation therapy can relieve symptoms by the spread of cancer to bone or brain.

Side Effects

Unfortunately, radiation can be damage normal tissue surrounding the tumor. Side effects depend on how large the area to be treated, what dose to be given, and how close the tumor is sensitive to the network. Sensitive tissue that is abnormal cells that divide rapidly, such as skin, bone marrow, hair follicles, the lining of the mouth, esophagus and colon. Radiation can also damage the ovaries and testes.

The symptoms depend on the area that received radiation and can include fatigue, sore mouth, skin problems (redness, itching, peeling), once the pain when swallowing, inflammation of the lungs (pneumonitis), hepatitis, stomach problem (nausea, loos of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea), urinary problem (increased frequency, burning sensation when urinating), and low blood counts. Radiation in head and neck tumors often cause damage to skin surface is similar to the lining af the mouth and esophagus. Doctors try to identify and treat some of the symptoms as quickly as possible so people will still feel comfortable and can continue the treatment.


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