Cancer Surgery

Surgery is a form of traditional medicine in cancer. It is most effective to eliminate various types of cancer before it spreads to lymph nodes or other distant places (metastasized). Surgery may be used alone or combined with other treatments, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. If the cancer has not spread, surgery can cure people. Even so, this may not always be sure before surgery or whether the cancer has not spread. If so, the person is likely at high risk for recurrent cancer and may require chemotherapy or radiation after surgery to prevent recurrence.

Surgery is not the primary treatment when cancer has spread. However, surgery is sometimes used to reduce the size of tumor (a procedure called debulking), so radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be more effective, or to relieve symptoms such as severe pain or intestinal obstruction. Appointment spread by way of surgery rarely produces cure for discovering all these tumors is difficult. Tumors are usually left behind continue to grow. However, in certain that have spread in very small amounts, particularly in the liver, brain, or lungs, surgical removal of the deployment could be useful.

Surgery is not the recommended treatment for early stage cancer. Some cancers occur in areas that unreachable. In addition, the removal of the cancer may require removal of vital organs, or surgery can damage the function of organs. In some cases, radiation treatment with or without chemotherapy probably better.


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